Thursday, January 28, 2010

Death, but Not For Me

176 classes in 171 days.
29 classes in 28 days in the 101 challenge.

"Death. But not for you, gunslinger." - Stephen King, The Last Gunslinger

Can you tell who my favorite author is? The above quote is said from a rather evil character to the main character in the story, and he's predicting the death of some people the hero knows. I thought of this quote today in class. There were 60(!!!) people in there tonight at 5. I'm not even sure that's legal given the size of my studio. Roberta was teaching, who bikramyogachick has written about many times. She rarely teaches when I'm there, but she likes it hot. She has a t-shirt that says "I Like My Yoga Hot." No kidding (I want one of those shirts).

I was right in front of the podium, which I was very happy about considering all of the drama in other parts of the room. The humidity got really high, which is normal when the room is packed. At least ten people walked out of the room! They did come back I think. The door was opening and closing most of the class. At one point, a person near me just yelled out "It's too humid!" With 15 minutes left in the class, Roberta asked, "Are you guys hot?" It was hysterical.

But, like the title of my post says, I did not die. I actually did great. It's funny because the last few classes have been really humid (like over 60%), which I don't really like, but it hasn't bothered me. I partially attribute this to taking more electrolytes recently, but mainly it's my improved breathing, which deserves it's own blog entry later.

So, no death for me. Today anyways...



  1. Isn't Roberta so cute! Love her! You are so strong Greg. If I ever see that Tshirt I'm getting for you, one for me. :)

  2. Nice class. I really need to get back to the studio soon! Miss it so much.
